Chromatic Stuff / Re: Need Some Help with Zoom setup
« Last post by brorat on Today at 01:01:08 PM »This ain't too practical of course, but I believe the absolute best method would be to have someone, (without a harmonica in his face) with a nice pair of headphones, doing the final mix before it sending it out to ZOOM. Good luck with that, BTW.. Until that day, we'll just hafta wing it I guess. Hey, it's still fun no matter how we do it.
You know me; always experimenting.Probably cuz I just have so much bad luck with stuff.
I'll bet there are over a dozen ways to make it work well, and I'm just silly enough to try them all. After that volume thing, I experienced with my USB Mackie mixer, it's now on it's way back to the dealer. One thing I found that was pretty foolproof was (is) that little Moano NEO sound card gizgong. (Richard Lee uses one as well) and It's pretty simple, actually. It lacks an "ON/OFF" for the reverb (hafta dial it in every time you want it) and the line-out to an external monitor is a tad noisy, but other than that, it's simple and works pretty well. At the very least, it's pretty predictable.
I understand that one could use Audacity as an interface for ZOOM meetings, but from what I've read, it's not exactly a walk in the park, and that prolly goes for other DAWs as well. This an interesting subject and I think harmonica ZOOMERS could probably brain-storm a common solution.
Here's a thought: we could do a special session (not on Thursdays) where those of us who are interested in the subject, can get together and kick ideas around. Whaddyathinque?
I know you and Richard have mentioned this little external sound card. Now ... I'm too dumb about the subject to move from there. Would I use it in conjunction with the DAW (Focusrite) or is it "stand alone"? How do I play backing tracks? What's the best way to "hook up" everything?
See ...? I need details!