Just plug it into your USB, go to settings/devices, let it be recognized, select it and you should to go. I should prolly hook mine up to my PC notebook so I can speak more authority.
Just looked and Amazon is running a special on this for $42. I’m ready to pull the trigger. Tell me how you get the sound from this device into the zoom app. Meanwhile…I’m picking this up!!
« Last post by SlideMeister onToday at 02:26:12 PM »
Okay, these were 49 bucks but someone musta got smart and started charging what their worth. now, it's harder to find them at that price but at 69 bucks I think they're still a pretty good deal. One of my favorite features is the background noise reduction: low, high or off
After having to set up my computer after a hard drive crash, I did a bit more looking and experimenting with recording to Audacity. From there, I could upload the recording to Soundcloud. Thought this might be a good test/workout for the new site! I'm just going to paste the link below and see what happens!