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Harmonica Stories on Zoom - FREE - with Adam Glasser - 4 Sundays in January
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Topic: Harmonica Stories on Zoom - FREE - with Adam Glasser - 4 Sundays in January (Read 1031 times)
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Adam Glasser
Stealth Member
Baby Button Pusher
Posts: 32
Harmonica Stories on Zoom - FREE - with Adam Glasser - 4 Sundays in January
January 01, 2021, 08:46:13 PM »
Dear SlideMeister Community!
Every Sunday in January 3pm GMT and starting from 10th I will be doing a Zoom Talk on some of the greatest chromatic jazz players of all time - Stevie, Larry, Toots and then we'll take a look at some younger jazz contemporaries.
Accompanied by photos, audio, video and original interviews the talks will include educational elements of interest to complete beginners and advanced, and end with Q & A + possible surprise live guests.
1 - 10th Jan: Stevie Wonder
Looks in detail at 'Eivets Rednow', the legendary harmonica album Stevie made of Bacharach songs, examines some of his solos & how Adam got to dep for him playing with Sting and the Eurythmics.
2 - 17th Jan: Larry Adler
Includes music, and anecdotes from several key artists who worked with Larry, excerpts from an Australian tour and a recent interview with his daughter Katelyn illustrated with images from the family archive.
3 - 24th Jan: Toots Thielemans
Adam interviewed Toots Thielemans in 1996 not realising that a year later they would both be working on the feature film 'Hard Rain'. Hear clips from the original interview and and insights into a selection of Toot's harmonica solos.
4 - 31st Jan: Contemporary Jazz Harmonica
Based on original interviews, Adam explores the work of some great contemporary jazz harmonica players including Mathias Heise, Yvonnick Prene, Antonio Serrano, Hermine Deurloo and Grégoire Maret.
This event is FREE TO JOIN ( and the option to make a donation)! Just click on the link below to register with Eventbrite:
Adam Glasser
Stealth Member
Baby Button Pusher
Posts: 32
Re: Harmonica Stories on Zoom - FREE - with Adam Glasser - 4 Sundays in January
Reply #1 on:
January 08, 2021, 08:31:59 AM »
A few places left! This Sunday 10th Jan 3pm GMT
Adam Glasser
Stealth Member
Baby Button Pusher
Posts: 32
Re: Harmonica Stories on Zoom - FREE - with Adam Glasser - 4 Sundays in January
Reply #2 on:
January 12, 2021, 07:59:25 PM »
Dear Friends far and wide,
A huge thank you to the 70+ who attended last Sunday's Stevie Wonder Zoom Lecture - and to those who very kindly donated. Your praise and good comments have inspired no end!
And a special thank you to HUK Chairman Pete Hewitt and Vice Chair Sam Wllkinson who will be co-hosting again.
Coming up this Sunday LARRY ADLER - I have some new material to share with you, completely different to last week. Including exclusive interviews with two great artists who toured with Larry on his Australian tour to promote Gershwin's World - highly respected singer and actor Issy Van Randwyck and my friend - keyboard player, West End MD and Royal Holloway Ph D student Kelvin Thomson (
) who will also be joining us live.
* * *
To honour Larry I will perform live a Bach Partita on the very harmonica that has Larry's name on it - given to me by my Dad for [Christmas] in .. 1972 -( and never played by me cause too complicated to find the notes on a 4 octave instrument except in 1983 in the ship's band cruise photo you saw last week where we marched around the ship's deck playing a song for Baked Alaska ..and no one could hear the wrong notes I played cause the horns drowned me out!)
Here is a short preview video I did on Youtube - please feel free to share this link:
* * *
You can still register for FREE here:
Adam Glasser
Stealth Member
Baby Button Pusher
Posts: 32
Re: Harmonica Stories on Zoom - FREE - with Adam Glasser - 4 Sundays in January
Reply #3 on:
January 20, 2021, 08:58:00 AM »
This Sunday Toots Thielemans!
Adam Glasser
Stealth Member
Baby Button Pusher
Posts: 32
Re: Harmonica Stories on Zoom - FREE - with Adam Glasser - 4 Sundays in January
Reply #4 on:
January 26, 2021, 09:19:11 PM »
And so to the final Harmonica Story
And to so to our final Zoom Harmonica Story...
4/4 Sunday 31st Jan 3pm GMT
Modern Stars of the Chromatic will take a listen to the work of Hermine Deurloo, Mathias Heise, Yvonnick Prene, Antonio Serrano & Grégoire Maret as well as
A live performance by Adam Glasser who will play selection of South African jazz from his album 'Mzansi'
Here is a preview:
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Harmonica Stories on Zoom - FREE - with Adam Glasser - 4 Sundays in January